Alpha Sig Everywhere
Join us at Gino’s Pizza for a fun event with the Alpha Sig’s and their alumni! this is one of many Alpha Sig events taking place across the country at the same time

Noodles & Company Fundraiser
Visit Noodles & Company and mention us or order online from 4-8pm and use the code “GIVING25” to support Alpha Sig!

Homecoming Parade
Check out Alpha Sig and Tri Delt’s homecoming float designed under the theme “Heroes and Villains” in the annual parade through the Old Orchard Neighborhood! be sure to visit our tailgate in lot 8 afterwards to hang out and have a good time before Kickoff against NIU at 3:30pm.

IFC Recruitment
Meet each fraternity on Monday from 7pm-10pm, and return to those you would like to know more from on the following days from 7pm-9pm. Visit our Join page for more information on each day’s specific events.

Tailgate and DJ
Come by our Tailgate for a good time with the Sigs! music will be provided by a live DJ in the new designated tailgate area in view of the Glass Bowl.

Greek Hangout
Come meet the Greeks in McComas Village and hang out with us! we’ll have many different activities ranging from yard games, to hangout areas, to grilling.
come visit us at Parks Tower from 11:00 - 3:00 everyday to learn about Alpha Sig, as well as Greek life in general. learn about how becoming a member of greek life can open so many doors and opportunities for you during your college and professional career.